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Should Your Project Be a Rental or a Fix and Flip?

When you’re looking at a potential investment property, one of the most important questions you’ll need to answer is whether the property is better suited as a rental or a fix-and-flip project. This is one decision that even some of the most experienced investors struggle with.

If you’re considering a real estate investment and aren’t sure which route will be best, there are some considerations you should keep in mind to help you make the right choice.

The Property’s Current Condition

The current and overall condition of the property, as well as its age, should play a major role in your decision to either buy the property as a rental or flip it. Generally, older properties will require more long-term maintenance and upkeep, which tends to make these homes better candidates for fix-and-flip investments.

Meanwhile, a newer property that needs some up-front work but is otherwise in decent condition may be more suitable as a rental. The exception to this may be a property that is located far away, which can create additional headaches for you as a property manager/landlord. If you’re investing in a property from afar, your best bet is typically to treat it as a fix-and-flip (unless you’re comfortable shelling out monthly fees for a property management company’s services).

Local Real Estate Trends

You’ll also want to consider local real estate market trends when deciding whether to buy a property as a rental or a fix-and-flip. While there are currently more renters in the residential real estate market than ever before, this won’t necessarily be the case in the exact area where you’re looking to invest. Taking some time to truly get to know your local real estate market and whether people are looking to rent or buy can make your decision a much easier one.

Your Budget and Preferences

If you’re looking for a property that can start generating income for you sooner rather than later, then a rental may make more sense. On the other hand, flipping a property rather than renting it out can prevent your money from being tied up in any single real estate investment for too long.

Of course, part of your decision to rent or flip will ultimately come down to personal preference. Some investors simply don’t like the hassle of playing “landlord” and would thus refer to flip and property, sell it, and be done with it. Likewise, other investors may enjoy the long-term income string that a rental property can provide.

Need a Hard Money Loan?

Regardless of whether you end up flipping or renting out an investment property, you’ll need to secure the right funding to get started. If you’re searching for a hard money loan for a real estate investment property, IMC Money is here for you. We offer a wide range of hard money loans and other financing options to suit your needs. Contact us today to find out more about our services!