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Real Estate Trends in 2019

The real estate market has certainly seen its ups and downs over the past decade or so. Every year, new trends arise to the surface that can have a dramatic impact on how residents buy and sell their properties. As we approach the middle of the year, it’s important to take a good look at what the newest 2019 real estate trends are and how they can have an impact, whether you’re looking to sell your home in the near future or you’re on the hunt to find your ideal home, whether it’s your first or you’re looking for an upgrade or to downsize.

Home Prices on the Rise

After the housing market crashed and brought many homeowners underwater on their mortgages, many wondered how long it was going to take for the real estate market to recover. While some areas of the country aren’t quite there yet, the good news is home prices are on the rise. This is better news for those who are looking to sell their homes and not as great for buyers. However, it’s a clear sign the housing market is in good shape overall. With the largest jump last year at about 10 percent on average, home prices are still on the rise this year, although this has slowed down somewhat. Unfortunately, with the increase in prices, those who are looking to sell their homes are also seeing a decrease in the number of offers they receive. Rest assured, even if you don’t end up getting as many offers as you did before, there is still likely a buyer out there willing to pay the right price for your home. As long as sellers pay attention to the other homes on the market around them and price accordingly, as well as make their houses stand out, they should be able to find a buyer willing to pay the right price to still make a good profit. Buyers should also take their time when making a purchase and make sure they have enough money down (at least 10 percent) and don’t step outside their set budget for home buying.

Interest Rates Are Up

Although still nowhere near the peak it once was, mortgage interest rates are on the rise, which means buyers need to be careful about getting good rates on their loans. At the present, mortgage interest rates are predicted to rise to about five percent for 30-year mortgages and 4.4 percent for 15-year mortgages. This is the highest interest rates have been in seven years. While this may seem like bad news, it actually indicates the economy is doing well. The federal reserve raised their interest rates and the banking industry is only now following suit. Because of this, it’s best for buyers to opt for a 15-year mortgage if possible to help keep interest payments low. For sellers, high interest rates may seem as though they are irrelevant, but they can have an impact on how quickly you sell your home. This is because some buyers may be hesitant to buy with a higher interest rate or may hold out for a cheaper home in order to keep their payments within budget. The good news is your home is still likely to sell; it may take longer than it may have in years past, but you are still likely to find a buyer willing to pay what you ask or close to it.

Millennials Make Up a Large Portion of Buyers

Millennials have reached a time in their lives when they are most likely working stable jobs and at least thinking about starting their families, which means they’re among the biggest group of individuals to be looking for homes on the market to buy. In fact, they currently make up about 45 percent of the overall market. This is excellent news for the baby boomers and other older generations that are starting to think about retirement and downsizing their homes. In general, millennials are looking for homes that are affordable without sacrificing on the quality of the construction, have low maintenance needs and are located in areas with easily accessible larger cities for their convenience. With easy online shopping, it’s easier than ever to reach this generation of home buyers.